RE:Handicapped nudist questions

I know several people at my resort/club have a colostomy bag and they do not cover it at all. They simply go about their lives and participate in activity like other people do. I hardly notice when I am interacting with them because I am not scrutinizing their bodies. Covering with a cloth may call more attention to it than is warranted.

Thank you.Honestly im the type would prefer the curious flat out ask. I've learned to accept myself as i am. My only caution is trying to be respectful to others comfort, feelings, ect.Thats why i thought say a wash cloth over the colostomy was a good idea. As they couldnt see much grossness that way.

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RE:Handicapped nudist questions

Thats interesting. One place i spoke with years ago suggested the cloth so no one can see stool and be grossed out. So i always thought out of respect it would be s good idea.
But i can also see it bringing more attention. But thought the colostomy its self would bring attention anyway.

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RE:Handicapped nudist questions

I can only tell what I have observed in my experience. There are Al least three people who wear colostomy bags and interact openly without any issues. I have never had occasion to view anything that was unsightly. Now maybe they are very intentional about making sure the bag is clean when they are in public but I have never noticing anything but I am not looking at that either.

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RE:Handicapped nudist questions

Thank you.
Honestly that makes me feel alot better.
While mostly comfortable with and accept myself as I am I also know grew up in a family that went great lengths to keep such things private and thought of almost as a taboo. So cautious and a little nervous about how others may react or feel when everything is open for everyone to see. I'm also one who always try's to be respectful of others feelings / comfort even above my own.

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