Nude beach other than. Port Burwell

Was walking off park property at long Point Provincial park near Long Point Gun Company property, where I came upon about12 nudist, talked with them and they said this used to be a hot spot for naturist since the late 50s it was only the erosion that cause trees to fall across beach making hard to get to that area,,now the trees are no longer across the beach but-the people who left to go to Port Burwell have not returned.. so after parking lot 13 about n180 steps you are off Park property, your on wildlife bird property (there is a sign)then walk about 3/4 k. Until you are about 450 mttres and then Your on. Long point gun property you will see cables at the end where they dont want you to pass those but they let nudist use the beach prior to that. ( the 450 metres) Just stay on. Beach dont go up onto the vacant property..

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RE:Nude beach other than. Port Burwell

never been as yet but may give a try one of these days

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