Living with Parkinson's disease as a nudist

Hi I'm Charlie and I have Parkinson's disease. Most of my profile was done before I was diagnosed with Parkinson's and now I'm still the same person but I shake a little more now. The shaking doesn't hurt but it is annoying at times especially when you are trying to push these little letters on the phone and when trying to hold your dick steady while peeing. Medication helps but a positive attitude is very important. Back to peeing, being a nudist and peeing outside is a big plus. I am still doing my normal activities for the most part but just a little bit slower but I am 72 so slower is the normal anyway. Thank you for listening.

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RE:Living with Parkinson's disease as a nudist

Charlie, I am sorry to hear your update on Parkinson's. It is a tough disease both on you and your family. I have two friends, neither are here on TN, but one was a massage partner of mine and the other an acquaintance from my fitness center. Both now have developed advanced stages and unable live as they used to. I do miss those guys and think of them often. Best of luck my friend.

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RE:Living with Parkinson's disease as a nudist

Hello Charlie,
I'm sorry to hear that, but glad that you have a good attitude towards it... As we live not to far apart I would love to hang out with you and if you need a steady had with anything let me know...

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