Interesting Conversation

My wife and I were at a couples group meeting. The husband sitting next to me mentioned that he usually works from home.
I commented that he could work in shorts al the time of he wants to. Someone else announced rather loudly that you don't need to wear shorts when you work from home, just a shirt. Another chimed in that you don't need to wear anything unless you are on camera.
Don't know if we have some home nudists in the group or they were joking.

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RE:Interesting Conversation

Its very likely you have some home nudists there. They brought up some good points. When I'm working from my home office I'm naked unless I have an on-cam meeting then its just a shirt. If they only knew!

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RE:Interesting Conversation

Its very likely you have some home nudists there. They brought up some good points. When I'm working from my home office I'm naked unless I have an on-cam meeting then its just a shirt. If they only knew!

An acquaintance of mine who is a semi retired independent consultant said that he doesn't bother to put a shirt on for video calls. He keeps the camera pointed at his face and if they see enough of his shoulders and upper chest to realize he isn't wearing a shirt he doesn't care.

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