How is your garden doing and having hard time doing it nude?

I have been working in my garden nude and the rain we get comes in inches per hour. The garden looks ok but all the water washed away any loose soil around plants. Had mole come burrowing thru and water comes rushing in thru the tunnel. These rain always have gust of winds and so far I have sweet corn that keeps getting blown over. I have 3 different heights and the tallest and middle height (about foot short from my waist) are taking a beating. Working nude pulling weeds really gets you sweating for sure. But I wouldn't want to work any other way.

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RE:How is your garden doing and having hard time doing it nude?

My garden is holding its own ... barely. I planted marigolds around my zucchini & tomatoes and it helped with the bugs. Unfortunately, the zucchini (& some others) are having a hard time with fungus. My response is to cut off the bad leaves, keep it sprayed with Neem oil for the light stuff & the heavyweight Fortilome if it gets more established. The plants are still making new leaves and producing veggies so there's hope. The potted plants are doing reasonably well and have new growth all over them. I had minor surgery a few days ago so gardening, nude or otherwise, has been very limited. Probably toward the end of the week, I'll be more aggressive in attacking weeds & such but for now, it's a little slow. The nude time in the yard has been down a bit as my perspiration has soaked my bandages more than once. Not a good plan & makes the wife a little aggravated. We'll pick it back up as soon as practical. Hope everyone's nude gardening is progressing reasonably.

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RE:How is your garden doing and having hard time doing it nude?

Working nude pulling weeds really gets you sweating for sure. But I wouldn't want to work any other way.

True. Having sweat evaporate or even drip off is better than it soaking clothes.

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RE:How is your garden doing and having hard time doing it nude?

Working nude pulling weeds really gets you sweating for sure. But I wouldn't want to work any other way.True. Having sweat evaporate or even drip off is better than it soaking clothes.
So true, if there is a little breeze it helps the sweat evaporate much quicker than soaking into clothes and making them soaked.

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RE:How is your garden doing and having hard time doing it nude?

I'll be wearing the bare minimum today, I'm going to war with a patch of weeds that I've let go to long. I wish it was flipflops and work gloves!

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