Male Health Question: Penile Implants.

I am a 73 year old male who had an acute ischemic stroke in October 2016. Prior to my stroke I had no problem getting erections, but after my stroke I could not longer achieve one. ED medications did not work. Ironically, I could still achieve orgasms, mostly from oral sex. I had adjusted to a semi-celibate life until I has to have prostate surgery (luckily I am not at risk for prostate cancer because of my very low PSA number) and my urologist said that my problem could be solved with a three-part penile implant pump.

He explained, to me, how the system works; I am an Engineer, so I was impressed at how they system was designed to work. I would like to hear from anyone who has undergone the procedure and hear their opinions.

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RE:Male Health Question: Penile Implants.

I am always "soft" due to prostate cancer surgery. I have not gotten an implant and do not intend to get one. But, I had a good friend who did get one and have read the stories of other men who did, also. Personally, I avoid any surgery that is not totally necessary due to the possibility of complications after-the-fact. Although my friend never had any problems with his implant, I have read of many men who did. And, getting an implant is one of those things that can not be undone. Other than allowing a man to have an "erection", there is really no benefit to having an implant. For several years after my surgery, I used trimix injections to get an erection which worked wonderfully! It took only a few minutes to get hard, felt like the real thing, and lasted at least an hour, all without the potential for the complications that can occur with an implant. This allowed my wife and I to continue to enjoy an active sex life. Now that my wife has lost all interest in sex, (which many guys say is true for them, too), I no longer really have a "need" for an erection, even if it might feel good. (An implant erection, though, does not cause the good feeling.) Fortunately, I can still achieve an orgasm that feels as good as ever, even being soft. So, for me, and implant is just totally unnecessary.

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RE:Male Health Question: Penile Implants.

My prostate was removed in 2004 due to cancer and my ED issues began to develop after that which can happen. I also had the complication of Peyronies Disease which affects some men in my situation. Blood flow ceases to one side and you get a severe bend when erect or partially erect. My urologist recommended a penile implant which was completed in 2006. I had significant pain and discomfort from the pump and tubes that were placed in my scrotum. One tube rubbed against my pelvic bone and it took more than 12 months to settle down. About two years ago the implant failed and is an expensive item to replace, repair or remove. The pump is hard plastic so it can easily interfere with movement, that is, if I crouch quickly and it comes in contact with the seam of the shorts I wear, it is like a sharp rap to the nuts! Some guys love their implants, but if I had my time over I would not have endured this invasive surgery. I haven't decided what to do about my situation yet, I'm 73 totalky impotent and I would still like to have some sort of sexual contact even if it just touch. Cancer doesn't care.

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RE:Male Health Question: Penile Implants.

I've sent you a PM seldav.

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RE:Male Health Question: Penile Implants.

Apart from the pump mechanism, there is also a semi rigid flexible rod that can be inserted to make the cock straight and hard. This is done manually when required and folded down when not required. No pumps or pumping. Looks very simple. I don't have one but have read about them in medical information. Fortunately after my radical prostatectomy last year I find that I only need a firm cock ring to be able to get erect.
All the best to fellow prostate cancer guys.

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RE:Male Health Question: Penile Implants.

I have a coloplast titan implant. No side effects and gives me a rock hard erection. I was advised by the urologist for a 3 part implant as the rods dont give an as good erection.

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RE:Male Health Question: Penile Implants.

I have a coloplast titan implant. No side effects and gives me a rock hard erection. I was advised by the urologist for a 3 part implant as the rods dont give an as good erection.

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