
What a fantastic response to this post from you all thank you very much. It does fall on men to make women more comfortable and confident to express themselves freely and whilst most are gentlemen there are a minority that make it difficult. Something me and my wife noticed on our few trips to our local naturist beach was that while most people were going about doing their own thing there were a largeish group of men that stay up in the dunes mostly in their 60s, they spend all day up there wandering along perving on people sometimes even taking pictures. It's well known that this happens alot and they have been branded meerkats as you see their little wrinkly heads pop up from over the dunes. It's enough to make alot of people feel uncomfortable let alone women especially if they are new to it and still coming to terms with their own body confidence.

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On that same trip to the C/O beach I wrote of earlier, there was a guy who while nude waded into knee deep water with beer in hand and just stood there facing the land which was occupied by a couple of single men and several groups of women. I thought it a bit strange at the time, but am now more aware of that kind of behavior.

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On that same trip to the C/O beach I wrote of earlier, there was a guy who while nude waded into knee deep water with beer in hand and just stood there facing the land which was occupied by a couple of single men and several groups of women. I thought it a bit strange at the time, but am now more aware of that kind of behavior.

Nude beaches do have that sort of thing. They're like ants at a picnic or mosquitoes on a hot day. I have to accept a certain level of that if I'm going to enjoy the environment. But I have my limits, too.

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I personally see the negative association that women have with nudism as the dark shadow of modern feminism.First, there's a double standard that women should accept sexual objectification for power, while also holdling bitterness when those standards are used against them. I prefer the attitude of women like Bonnie Raitt who never tried to be sexy in her youth because her music was too important, and several decades later she's still amazing as an artist and a woman.Second, I recognize that women are vulnerable to sexual assault by men. However women often seem to be women's worst critics. As a result, they often choose to 'dress defensively' to avoid the aggression of other women in the form of social exclusion and reputation-damaging gossip.The potential for verbal assault against women is strong coming from both men and women, directly and indirectly. It's easier for men to be naked in public and find no one really cares.

I totally agree with your points. Few self absorbed women Misleading other women from actual feminism, and the creeps who assaults verbally and also by staring at women is really making their numbers less. Also, the beauty standards that makes them fear of naturism (which actually will give them confidence in their body).

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