RE:large group meet up

Please let me know when you solidify a date, as I would like to be a part of this gathering!!! It sounds like a great time!!!

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RE:large group meet up

Hi from Jose in Altamonte! Id love to meet up with a group at the cove, never been there!
imentat@yahoo works too.

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RE:large group meet up

From Jose in Altamonte, aosl please let me know

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RE:large group meet up

We have had 10 or more of us who would like to join for this meet up! Lets keep the ball rolling. It looks like the weekend of 9.21 will work for the majority. Please add a note if you are thinking about joining us.

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RE:large group meet up

We have about 10 or more of us who are hoping to get together at the Cove weekend of 9.21. Please add I reply if you might want to attend.
Lets keep the ball rolling.

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RE:large group meet up

There has been a suggestion that we have a way to know who is at the Cove for this meet up. Temporary tattoos? Sanibel suggested a cup, like a solo cup? My be would could add a sticker to the cup? Suggestions welcome!!

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RE:large group meet up

Just make up a sign and place it on one of the tables at the main pool. We can all gather there and meet one another. We also use a name bead necklaces with our first names on it so when you see us in the pool or wherever you can remember our names.

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RE:large group meet up

Do we have a date for this meetup? I see someone suggested September 21St. That date would be great! It is during the TNSF FEST @ Cypress Cove. If there is a large group that is interested, maybe we could reserve the tables at the end of the pool patio. Make a sign. Tie Yellow Ribbons on the chairs. Or, something like that?
Who is going to organize this? Are you?
I am not volunteering. I have tried to organize other meet ups with poor results.
If the date would be September 21st, I would be there.

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RE:large group meet up

No one person is organizing this. Yes, TNST fest weekend looks fun. Yes, the date that seems to be working is 9.21.
One person posted it, I have been updating, I am not one to sit at a table with a sign by the pool but perhaps someone will?

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RE:large group meet up

9.21.24 is the date. Check out the Cypress Cove wedsite for info on the TNST - Fest weekend 9.20 to 9.22.24

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