Our community is thinning out

Not sure if this is a dynamic associated simply wit this site, but there are far less people active on here than what was in the past!

I've raised this issue about a year ago too. But surely we have all got used to being back at the work places etc and found our new groove where we still get to spend nude time both online and offline. I managed to find my way back into full time employment a year ago and was concerned that I would have my nude wings severely clipped, however have found time to be nude even doing 'work from home days' at the nearest nude facility which is well over an hour away.

The chatroom is the clearest evidence of how the numbers of participants have fallen. They are around half of what would be in there during the lockdown periods a few years ago...and are about 2/3 of the numbers of folks in there before the lockdowns.

So where are all the nudies?

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RE:Our community is thinning out

Genuine nudist get pushed out by all the other agendas posted here. Too many fantasists make up what they think are nudist stories that are so obviously fake while others are only here to promote their own personal fetish.

The sexualisation of nudism is institutional on the site, by how the gallery section is promoted. This brings in needed revenue but does the opposite of promoting actual nudism, and attracting voyeurs and exhibitions and not the people who love nudism for its own sake.

How long your shorts are, erectile dysfunction to who likes to take a piss in their yard are just some of topics on this site that have me shaking my head as to why anyone thinks Truenudists has got anything to do with nudism anymore.

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RE:Our community is thinning out

I don't mind the varied discussion topics that are loosely associated with nudism or at least about the concerns of people in that demographic. What bugs me is the suddenly new and blank profiles posting spam messages that seems to be increasing. More than once recently I logged in and was happy to see that several of my groups had new activity. Then when I look at the groups it was all the same person posting the same inappropriate message. They claim they are looking for a friend/partner/connection/whatever or simply saying visit my website or telegram. At times it has been so disgusting I didn't visit for days at a time.

Without any moderation of this junk it may continue to get worse.

An appearance of a spammy site and groups will make people feel unsure about even being here. At a minimum many legit people that are already here will become disinterested and as a result disengaged from the site.

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RE:Our community is thinning out

nude4070 wrote:

The chatroom is the clearest evidence of how the numbers of participants have fallen. They are around half of what would be in there during the lockdown periods a few years ago...and are about 2/3 of the numbers of folks in there before the lockdowns.

The guy who's in charge of memberships in my non-landed group made the same comment. He says that membership applications were suspended for the first year of the lock-down, and surged when they were finally accepted. Most of those new members have dropped away, leaving just a few new members and the core of long-time members. We considered it a return to normality, not a sudden thinning out of the community.

But I think you're right about nudism not being as common as it was, say, twenty years ago.

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RE:Our community is thinning out

You are probably correct about organized communal nudism. However I have seen a lot of commentary that home nudism is increasing.

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RE:Our community is thinning out

One reason could be because people are kicked out of groups for not posting photos (nude or otherwise). I have never posted photos online and I never will. People say people like me are fake nudists, so that is one reason why sites are dieing out.

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RE:Our community is thinning out

Home "nudism" is just being naked at home. Nothing more nothing less. Nudism has a social component to it that makes it nudism.
You are probably correct about organized communal nudism. However I have seen a lot of commentary that home nudism is increasing.

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RE:Our community is thinning out

Could not have said it better. Except for a scant few the site is now the domain of thirsty old men and online sex workers. Just look at the rash of posts in groups from those workers asking for people to contact them for a good time. I was trying to present a different side by sharing genuine nudist and naturist experience from my workouts to photos of my experiences but most seem to only be interested in the salacious stuff that has nothing to do with naturism. So I will be deleting most my photos and videos soon. Because I give up.

Genuine nudist get pushed out by all the other agendas posted here. Too many fantasists make up what they think are nudist stories that are so obviously fake while others are only here to promote their own personal fetish.The sexualisation of nudism is institutional on the site, by how the gallery section is promoted. This brings in needed revenue but does the opposite of promoting actual nudism, and attracting voyeurs and exhibitions and not the people who love nudism for its own sake.How long your shorts are, erectile dysfunction to who likes to take a piss in their yard are just some of topics on this site that have me shaking my head as to why anyone thinks Truenudists has got anything to do with nudism anymore.

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RE:Our community is thinning out

While everything mentioned above might have something to do with it, I noticed over the years that in the summer months, participation drops notably here. Usually picks up again around Oct / Nov.

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RE:Our community is thinning out

I will grant that the "thirsty old men" contingent is driving people away. But near as I can tell, they are not actually replacing them in the active membership. Maybe it's just my own aging, but I don't think my online look has changed that much since I joined - and I get WAY less of the salacious stuff directed my way than I used to. (Thirsty old men have a variety of tastes.) For a while, during the pandemic, I was getting huge numbers of fake young-gay-man profiles selling porn sites; that has stopped.

If there is another growing nudist site on the planet that has significant shares of male and female social nudists I'm unaware of it. I certainly check out every alternative site I'm made aware of, from a European one so strict they check the metadata on any uploaded photos to an American one that tries valiantly to allow explicit photos without letting that become the default, and they're all overwhelmingly male. There may just be a cultural trend that's pushing this sort of site below critical mass.

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RE:Our community is thinning out

If there is another growing nudist site on the planet that has significant shares of male and female social nudists I'm unaware of it.

Have you seen ANW?

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