Group Cleaning

We recently cleaned out the group of people who weren't following the rules posted in the "About" section. We don't care if we have a large number of members, we care that we have members who participate. All members are required to post outdoor photos of themselves and participate in some discussions. We kept all members who participated and posted photos, and removed the members who didn't. We reduced our membership from 155 members to 22 members. Since then, we have accepted 7 new members who we hope will participate.
No sense having a group with no participation. We want a fun and active group.

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RE:Group Cleaning


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RE:Group Cleaning


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RE:Group Cleaning


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RE:Group Cleaning

I'm friends with Micster, it's the reason I can post here without being a member of this group. I post this message only to agree with what you're doing with your group. I moderate a couple dozen groups and do the same thing. I screen all potential members and if they don't participate in discussions, I delete their membership.

I envy those of you that do live a nudist life in the country. We have close nudist friends that do and it's something that has always interested me. We've always lived in the suburbs and in tract homes. Makes it more difficult to be naked on our entire property. We do, however, have a private backyard and are nude all the time inside and out back but it would be so great to take our nudist life throughout our entire property.

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RE:Group Cleaning

Thank you for the effort; it takes time & perseverance to check for *deadwood* in a group and prune as necessary. It makes the whole exercise of posting here on TN so much more fun. Too bad all the other group moderators cant / wont do the same thing. It would clean up the entire site.

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RE:Group Cleaning

Thank you for your adding me as a new member in the group :-)

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RE:Group Cleaning

Today has been a great day to wander about one of my favorite places; my yard!! Today I have been nude most of the day while working in the garden, on the deck and in the shop. Its been about perfect here with mid 70s temps and a light breeze. I buffed the truck but ran out of pads halfway through & then was able to do a little bit of diagnostic work on the classic car. It has been great and I hope the same for all of you.

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