News from Flora

Visiting after some time, I've found a few private messages so I thought I'd better answer here.

First, I don't have the email I gave to some of you any longer. It was a very old email (Hotmail) created at a time where you could still be anonymous. I changed my phone, I thought I knew the password, then didn't remember the security questions which were about my address (I changed it several times and don't even know if I gave the true one when registering) and about when I created the account (maybe 20 years ago?) then found my old phone which had the password in its memory but I got the message that the account was blocked because of too many failed attempts to logon. So good bye Tallion. Funny that the Hotmail address I am still occasionally using gives me the same message when I try to connect from another device although I am sure I never tried and failed to connect.

Anyway. I have been continuing to do what I did before, writing some sort of blog posts with sexual and moral dilemmas - it's just my morning English exercise, I'm not posting those anywhere. Plus, I started to write an erotic novel :). Yes, starting from one of the posts I shared here, imagining a lot of stuff, but hey... Imagination exercises are also good for your brain. I didn't put everything together, they are on my notepad, but I filled 26 of them so I would guess this must be close to 150 pages...

I also opened up (if I may say so) to more daring poses so I modelled a lot - and took pics of several girls. I think being behind the camera made me think more in terms of what the audience likes to see and have a more masculine approach on the whole pics business. I lost my shyness and started to appreciate things which did not inspire me before. Well, as the mods delete all my pics I guess you will hav to take my word for it. Most would be TS quality anyway.

So here it is. See you in a month or so.

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RE:News from Flora

Visiting after some time, I've found a few private messages so I thought I'd better answer here.First, I don't have the email I gave to some of you any longer. It was a very old email (Hotmail) created at a time where you could still be anonymous. I changed my phone, I thought I knew the password, then didn't remember the security questions which were about my address (I changed it several times and don't even know if I gave the true one when registering) and about when I created the account (maybe 20 years ago?) then found my old phone which had the password in its memory but I got the message that the account was blocked because of too many failed attempts to logon. So good bye Tallion. Funny that the Hotmail address I am still occasionally using gives me the same message when I try to connect from another device although I am sure I never tried and failed to connect.Anyway. I have been continuing to do what I did before, writing some sort of blog posts with sexual and moral dilemmas - it's just my morning English exercise, I'm not posting those anywhere. Plus, I started to write an erotic novel :). Yes, starting from one of the posts I shared here, imagining a lot of stuff, but hey... Imagination exercises are also good for your brain. I didn't put everything together, they are on my notepad, but I filled 26 of them so I would guess this must be close to 150 pages...I also opened up (if I may say so) to more daring poses so I modelled a lot - and took pics of several girls. I think being behind the camera made me think more in terms of what the audience likes to see and have a more masculine approach on the whole pics business. I lost my shyness and started to appreciate things which did not inspire me before. Well, as the mods delete all my pics I guess you will hav to take my word for it. Most would be TS quality anyway.So here it is. See you in a month or so.

Good to hear from you Flora, been posting and having pics deleted here, lots of cam work here and elsewhere. It's quite the buzz being seen on camera, love it... hope you and D are well and remain as naughty as ever.
Fond regards.... Richie x

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RE:News from Flora

Thank you for this update Flora. It's great that you have expanded your scope of interests from both sides of the lens. It would certainly be wonderful to see some of the end product. It's unfortunate that the mods were so heavy handed. I look forward to your posts and hope all is well.

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RE:News from Flora

Good morning to you; I'm happy to see you stopping by to visit. It's been somewhat dull over here for the last few months as your absence has obviously affected the group. It also appears to whole site is slowing down, not enough real contributors. And, as an affirmation to an earlier prediction of yours, the site is getting more 'professional services' posts along with a more obvious 'hookup of all types' clientele. It's not what naturists would prefer but the administrators are noticeably absent and they will not empower volunteers to act. It's good to know you're staying busy and working on a project, may writer's block never find you. Just out of curiosity, have the recent election results caused any disruptions to average folks? France 24 reports on a few but I haven't found another French source (English speaking) on the web. But again, thank you for updating us and enjoy the rest of your week.

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RE:News from Flora

Glad to hear the update on your life. Hope youre enjoying your summer with D.
For us here and southern Arizona, USA. Building a patio yet thats been going on since January. Big project, but worth it in the end.
Hope to find out about the book when you finish it. Its a long process so enjoy it.
And its nice to hear from you again stay naked

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RE:News from Flora

Glad to hear the update on your life. Hope youre enjoying your summer with D.
For us here and southern Arizona, USA. Building a patio yet thats been going on since January. Big project, but worth it in the end.
Hope to find out about the book when you finish it. Its a long process so enjoy it.
And its nice to hear from you again stay naked

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RE:News from Flora

Thanks guys. First, I have 0 intention to try to publish any book. I just use my morning 30 min of "coffee and creativity" (inscription my pyjama top) otherwise - and no, I don't think the writer's block will ever be an issue.

Second, not a place to speak about politics is it. There is this long-forgotten science (or is it a religion?) called mathematics and I happen to have learned statistics precisely for this kind of discussions - and now everybody hates me. Reminder: the party led by Rothschild banker Macron was voted in the office on a leftish platform and then in 7 years managed the biggest upward transfer of wealth in French history (yes, I do have the data) and added one trillion euros to the previous debt of 2 trillion. Now only 21% of the French voted for it so I suspect the average voter is quite satisfied. And no, there were no disruptions, millionnaires and billionaires don't go in the street to break windows.

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RE:News from Flora

I was curious about how things were working out; the news often cant get the story straight. And on the other, remember that *if you torture a number long enough, it will tell you anything *. Well all have a better idea in a year or so.

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RE:News from Flora

*if you torture a number long enough, it will tell you anything *.

Yes, all people who don't like maths say that. And that's why I spent so much time learning statistics and at least I can't be (easily) fooled by the six main biases you find in most statistics. I'm not saying I can't be fooled, I'm just saying that by going to the raw data I have dozens of times less risks of being fooled than if I read newspapers or listen to "specialists". Not even speaking about politicians here. And what France24 is doing can be called in any possible ways - except journalism.

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RE:News from Flora

Mark Twain said There are lies; there are damn lies, and then there are statistics. Or something like that.

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RE:News from Flora

Flora said when she wants to read a nice story well written she reads Mark Twain. When she wants to read a bad story well written she reads a Macron speech. When she wants to read a bad story badly written she reads a Biden or a Trump speech. When she wants to know what happens in the world she looks at facts and data.

And of course, Schroedinger's cat can't be both dead and alive so quantum physics is a scam and the Earth is actually flat.

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