inflatable cabin tents

only me when I go camping but intrigued by these new inflatable cabin tents . anyone have one ? pros - cons ? also intrigued by the self popping tents . I have a two person tent i've had forever don't camp as much as I use to but maybe the cabin tent or the self popping tents would notice me to more often.

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RE:inflatable cabin tents

My wife's frist purchase for our camping gear. A 10 person pop up Colmen dark tent. The thing is 5 feet long and about 3 feet wide in its packaging bag. It weights about 60 lbs. But it does set up in just a few minutes. She likes big tents with lots of space. Cabin style with straight walls and as a 6'4 guy I can stand and walk around with no issues. Plus the dark tents are great to be able to sleep in when the sun comes up. Plus it keeps the tent cool during the day. We also gave a 6 person tent of the same style for smaller campsites.

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RE:inflatable cabin tents

I think inflatable anything is always a bad idea. I went camping with an inflatable raft once and was left stranded on the wrong side of the lake when the raft started leaking.

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RE:inflatable cabin tents

I think inflatable anything is always a bad idea. I went camping with an inflatable raft once and was left stranded on the wrong side of the lake when the raft started leaking.

Agreed. One of the very few times my wife went camping, I bought a double width inflatable mattress. It sprung a leak the first night and we slept directly on the ground for the rest of the trip.

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RE:inflatable cabin tents

That must have sucked. That's why I always have an extra mattress in the car.

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