RE:How much of an exhibitionist are you?

Good morning, and welcome back. So nice to read the article.

Well sex in public ! The way violence is shown in movies and TV, but sexual activity is not. Thats so stupid ! Killing someone is ok, but being very close to someone is not. Both are consenting adults that just doing something we all want to do. I always say to people on their birthday that your parents were loving each other 9 months ago. Lol. That always gets a weird reaction. But its true we all love being that close to someone else. Even if its with the same sex that the act is being enjoyed by. Its something that should be celebrated as a wonderful thing. Like caring the newly married couple to a hut or room to consummate their new life together. Its always a celebration. !

So should you record your love ? YES !

Like wishing you had the pictures of when you were 16. You can always delete the photos or video. But this is where it gets tricky. You have to trust the photographer not to publish them or make money from your time together. Plus dont judge the photos as , Oh I look so bad in that picture. Not to mention that the photographer will have to have the ability to touch both of you. Lighting is important to the perfect photo. Or have a female assistant that both of you trust. To be able to move your bodies into the best view. It will get very boring if its done in a way that the pictures are the center of attention. You might have to do a couple of different sessions to get the correct pictures that you want.

I know its not the way you want it. But dont be surprised that you can make the session boring. Thats why the pros use the blue pill and someone to fluff the male actors. And the female actors are using lubricants. Remember you are not payed professionals, being filmed by a professional. This will be an act of love for the camera for future entertainment.

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RE:How much of an exhibitionist are you?

Good morning, and welcome back. So nice to read the article.Well sex in public ! The way violence is shown in movies and TV, but sexual activity is not. Thats so stupid ! Killing someone is ok, but being very close to someone is not. Both are consenting adults that just doing something we all want to do. I always say to people on their birthday that your parents were loving each other 9 months ago. Lol. That always gets a weird reaction. But its true we all love being that close to someone else. Even if its with the same sex that the act is being enjoyed by. Its something that should be celebrated as a wonderful thing. Like caring the newly married couple to a hut or room to consummate their new life together. Its always a celebration. !So should you record your love ? YES !Like wishing you had the pictures of when you were 16. You can always delete the photos or video. But this is where it gets tricky. You have to trust the photographer not to publish them or make money from your time together. Plus dont judge the photos as , Oh I look so bad in that picture. Not to mention that the photographer will have to have the ability to touch both of you. Lighting is important to the perfect photo. Or have a female assistant that both of you trust. To be able to move your bodies into the best view. It will get very boring if its done in a way that the pictures are the center of attention. You might have to do a couple of different sessions to get the correct pictures that you want.I know its not the way you want it. But dont be surprised that you can make the session boring. Thats why the pros use the blue pill and someone to fluff the male actors. And the female actors are using lubricants. Remember you are not payed professionals, being filmed by a professional. This will be an act of love for the camera for future entertainment.

Bravo... well said Jim

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RE:How much of an exhibitionist are you?

Indeed well said Jim. I suspect that 99.99% of us consider love making a very private business and most would be upset if others are somewhat showy. But the real question is why. Why do we consider the act of creating a new human being a sin and a shameful act which needs to be hidden while the act of killing a million is something to be celebrated? Endless wars and the obsession of Hollywood (and not only) with violence look normal and are displayed on our screens, big and small, basically 24/7. Now porn is to love making what a NYT reporting is to real facts, some exaggerated lying propaganda catering for individuals obsessed with extremes, but love making, real one, as you all know, is sweet and rewarding. Yet sufferance, pain and murder is nice but love between people who adore each other is a sin.

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RE:How much of an exhibitionist are you?

Indeed well said Jim. I suspect that 99.99% of us consider love making a very private business and most would be upset if others are somewhat showy. But the real question is why. Why do we consider the act of creating a new human being a sin and a shameful act which needs to be hidden while the act of killing a million is something to be celebrated? Endless wars and the obsession of Hollywood (and not only) with violence look normal and are displayed on our screens, big and small, basically 24/7. Now porn is to love making what a NYT reporting is to real facts, some exaggerated lying propaganda catering for individuals obsessed with extremes, but love making, real one, as you all know, is sweet and rewarding. Yet sufferance, pain and murder is nice but love between people who adore each other is a sin.

I guess one thing to consider is that the act itself is not always to make a new human, at least that's not the objective.. the main objective is is just about (sinful) pleasure and no talk of new little humans... indeed of there were a new little human after every act... it might deter many from bothering!

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RE:How much of an exhibitionist are you?

Well so is the act of killing, with very few exceptions the objective is predation, preemption or status and if every bullet shot killed one person many might not bother. So you get back to pleasure is sin, pain is virtue.

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RE:How much of an exhibitionist are you?

Well so is the act of killing, with very few exceptions the objective is predation, preemption or status and if every bullet shot killed one person many might not bother. So you get back to pleasure is sin, pain is virtue.

That's deep... maybe it's best we all just shoot blanks, no death and no babies either, pleasure for all... mind you, we'd cease to exist in, what... 100 years or so... hmm

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