RE:Site Response speed

Yes. This site has been very slow for a while now

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RE:Site Response speed

Yes. It has been very slow for me too.

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RE:Site Response speed

i also thought it was on my end, It has been terribly slow for a few days now. Good to know we are on the same page. now.... what can be done LOL

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RE:Site Response speed

Painfully slow at all times of the day. I've sent an email to the CONTACT US and reported an issue. Maybe if others do the same it will spur them on to fix the issue.

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RE:Site Response speed

The worst part is waiting forever for pics to load and hours later you find the site deleted them anyway.

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RE:Site Response speed

The site platform is from 2006 and can only be updated for so long before it needs to be completely revamped. That's not going to happen. One morning it will simply stop working, but we'll continue to deal with its slow decline until then.

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RE:Site Response speed

Very slow and especially so for the past week. Slow to load pages and sometimes just unresponsive. Today it seems especially bad and nearly unusable.

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RE:Site Response speed

Possibly leftovers from CrowdStrike.

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RE:Site Response speed

Page loads have been slow last few days so not just you. Also getting cloudflare errors on my end which likely indicates changes on the server side.

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RE:Site Response speed

Yes! Slow as a McDonalds drive through.

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