RE:Site Response speed

I thought it was just a local problem.
I would hate to lose friends and contacts made.

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RE:Site Response speed

The site platform is from 2006 and can only be updated for so long before it needs to be completely revamped. That's not going to happen. One morning it will simply stop working, but we'll continue to deal with its slow decline until then.

Some business and government programs are over 50 years old and still working.

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RE:Site Response speed

Yes. It has been super slow. Its not my bandwidth or speed cause all other sites on my phone are fine. I hope they fix it soon as it's annoying.

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RE:Site Response speed

Please get this fixed. The site is virtually unusable as is.

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RE:Site Response speed

Please get this fixed. The site is virtually unusable as is.

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RE:Site Response speed

The True Nudist Content Update page gives the reason for the slowdown eg: audit by the merchants over the topics, language and number of fake profiles here.

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RE:Site Response speed

Merchants? Please explain. Who are these people who apparently control the content. That said, if their intervention help rid this site of fake profiles.... The one thing that is a bonus here is the lack of advertisers. Although, the extra revenue might help address some of the issues.

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RE:Site Response speed

Speed seems to be back to normal today.

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RE:Site Response speed

Yes it does

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RE:Site Response speed

Page load speed seemed to be restored to normal.

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