Private groups

Of what purpose is a totally private group? Why would I want to join one if I can't see the content or who's in it?

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RE:Private groups

Thats a good point. I also understand the need to vet those who want to be in a group because of all the bots. I love an active group that keeps things interesting and fun.

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RE:Private groups

That is a good point and reason. There are also some private groups that are nothing more than photo collectors for the mod.

Thats a good point. I also understand the need to vet those who want to be in a group because of all the bots. I love an active group that keeps things interesting and fun.

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RE:Private groups


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RE:Private groups

I am in a few private groups. The possibly that a few legitimate members may be left out due to not being certified or having no pics or stats in their profile is a small price to pay to not have all the beautiful young ladies lusting after my nude body creating half the posts. Wait!? You mean they are not real? I guess that explains why they are not flocking to me at the nude beach.

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RE:Private groups

I think the best set-up is to have a group where the membership requires approval and pictures are only visible to members. If the moderator does a good job of vetting applicants, the 'less pure' nudists will not make the cut. I don't understand why anyone would join a totally private group unless they knew the moderator very well. But that's a different story.

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RE:Private groups

You make a good point about moderation. Right now the unmoderated and there are many and loosely moderated groups are being overrun by spam. The whole group situation needs an overhaul since there are some groups with many members but almost no activity and others fill with people who seem to just join every group.

I think the best set-up is to have a group where the membership requires approval and pictures are only visible to members. If the moderator does a good job of vetting applicants, the 'less pure' nudists will not make the cut.

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RE:Private groups

Hey maybe this is a question Alvaro could chip in? Hasn't he created more groups than everybody else combined? I'm sure he knows a thing or two about privacy.

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