
He says he's a professional nudist, but he never shows his face. He'll post pics with his head cropped off. You never know if his really him or someone else's pic. He is certified, though, so evidently he had to show his face for certification, but we'll never see it. His profile is private, and even the group he started here is totally private. No one but members of his group can see any content. I've tried to join it several times, but evidently he doesn't allow women in it, only men. I don't think he's gay, because I know he's married although on his profile he says it's "complicated".

To get around the rules for showing your face, he always posts pics of his backside.

If you encounter him here on TN, don't believe a word he says. He likes to make things up, and if you catch him in a lie and fuss at him for it, he'll block you without a word. For someone who's supposed to be a true nudist, he's not very friendly.

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