Of course you do get bored of tasting the same (great) wine or listening to the same (excellent) piece of music over and over again... And now, that you have seen all of me, I have nothing really new to show you... I could show you my models but then I should tell the stories I told in the previous version of the group again, otherwise it would be just some naked girls...
Oh well. As we say in French, tout passe, tout casse, tout lasse... (Everything passes, everything breaks, everything bores).
I disagree. I never tire of the things in life that give me the greatest pleasure. I cannot imagine being without them. Does that glass of wine not taste as exquisite as the first time you took a sip? Is that song not as beautiful as the first time you heard it? Perhaps a different vintage provides a subtle variation. Perhaps a different rendition brings a bigger smile to your face. The core passion still exists for what I find most rewarding but subtle variations keep it fresh and alive. So no , Flora, I am not bored with you and I cannot speak for anyone else but I am confident that no one else is either. Your tn and ts contributions are definitely on my list of things I enjoy most.
I disagree. I never tire of the things in life that give me the greatest pleasure. I cannot imagine being without them. Does that glass of wine not taste as exquisite as the first time you took a sip? Is that song not as beautiful as the first time you heard it? Perhaps a different vintage provides a subtle variation. Perhaps a different rendition brings a bigger smile to your face. The core passion still exists for what I find most rewarding but subtle variations keep it fresh and alive. So no , Flora, I am not bored with you and I cannot speak for anyone else but I am confident that no one else is either. Your tn and ts contributions are definitely on my list of things I enjoy most.
So true that the good things in life are never boring !
The taste of a good wine and meal. The same song listening to again, but hearing it from a different perspective. Same thing goes for a story that someone tells, yes you have heard it before but want to hear it again.
Marie and I both enjoy hearing stories from older people. We well just sit and listen to them. Grandpas stories are the same but the story gets told better. Not saying you are old just saying that its better to tell it again or look at the same picture again. Think about art, more you look the more you see !
So true that the good things in life are never boring !
The taste of a good wine and meal. The same song listening to again, but hearing it from a different perspective. Same thing goes for a story that someone tells, yes you have heard it before but want to hear it again.
Marie and I both enjoy hearing stories from older people. We well just sit and listen to them. Grandpas stories are the same but the story gets told better. Not saying you are old just saying that its better to tell it again or look at the same picture again. Think about art, more you look the more you see !
Eat the same great meal and drink the same great wine for a decade or so and then we talk. As say say (excuse my French) Show me the most beautiful married woman in the world and I'll show you a guy who is bored and tired of f..king her.
Let's face it, you guys need more diversity than we do and there are strong evolutionary and some cultural reasons for this. Not understanding or accepting this is a recipe for a lot of disappointment for us. I'm fine with it, I know that my man will always come to me for talks, hugs and some sex - but he will also masturbate thinking of other girls. Unless he falls heavily in love your a younger chick - and not accepting him as he is and nagging him about it is not what will keep him near me.