Nudist/Naturist Ancestry
I thought about this topic from a recent blog post by a friend here. Got me thinking about ancestry in general and what part, in your past ancestry, does nudism/naturism play? For example, I'm of Native American decent. According to my mother and her stories, many of those in my great, great grandparents' tribe wore coverings for the cold. She didn't condone it or agree with it. My mother, was brought up strict Catholic and lived very close to the San Gabriel Mission. My great grandmother and grandmother went to church daily. So on my side, I'm not sure where I get this absolute need to be naked.
On my wife's side, her grandmother, her father's mother, routinely came to visit and stay for a few days. Each time she'd come to visit, my wife's mother shewed the kids out of the house when their grandmother got up. Her grandmother slept naked and would roam about the house either completely naked or wore a sheer robe or nightgown. According to my wife, her father often made comments about the girls (3) and son (1) being able to be naked in the house if they wanted. That didn't sit well with their mother and so they didn't routinely do that. My wife admits to enjoying being naked when alone in the house.
My wife has often said that being a nudist is part of your DNA. She feels that her desire to be naked comes from her father's mother and her father, primarily, but also from living with me since she was 19. Is nudism/naturism something that can be traced in your ancestry? Some have been raised as nudists but for those that have not, are there any stories of nudism with your ancestors that trail back in your past to nudism/naturism?
Of course, my reply is that nudity is in all of our DNA, it's our natural state. Beyond that statement, I have my suspicions, especially about my artist grandfather in California, but generally, I would say our family was good at sweeping that kind of thing under the rug. I guess none of the family I knew were obsessively religious, so that wouldn't have been a hindrance.