help needed please

I have tried to add my photos to the site and generally speaking they have uploaded and one set as my profile pic, nothing iffy in them just nude photos yet after a few days they disappear, is this because once I have up loaded them I delete them from my photo gallery on my laptop as a privacy thing, what am I doing wrong, I have created a ticket asking for help but no response. Pete

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RE:help needed please

It wouldn't be because you deleted them off your laptop after you uploaded them - TN serves the photos from it's own stash of the uploads. Did you do their age-verification thing, providing ID? If not, that would explain it; without the verification, they'll only take face pics and such, no nudes. (I was on the site before that requirement, so can't describe the process exactly.)

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I don't think it's a site issue. I've had photos deleted for no reason whatsoever. I've posted some pretty "G" rated photos to my groups and they've been deleted. I then see others posting some questionable photos to groups and they are approved. I'm certain that I've upset someone who is a photo mod and that's the retaliation I will have to deal with. They won't approve any of my photos.

Here's a question, if they are willing to respond. Who are the photo mods for this site?

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The question of who is the photo mod is a very veiled one. Sometimes I would really like to ask them what is their real criteria. I don't think we'll get any more response than 'crickets'. Maybe one day.

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yes am certified ( or should be) site tells me nude photos allowed so went ahead on my third attempt now

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Hey Pete! It seems like you're experiencing some issues with your photos disappearing from the site. It's possible that deleting them from your laptop after uploading might be causing them to vanish. Have you tried keeping them in your gallery to see if they stay on the site longer? It's good that you've reached out for help with a ticket. Hopefully, they'll get back to you soon to sort it out.

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hello , have you resolved your problem . i had same issue so maybe a bug in their system? anyhow its good to continue trying . i am sure we all want pics of an attractive woman like you on here, darryl

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hello , have you resolved your problem . i had same issue so maybe a bug in their system? anyhow its good to continue trying . i am sure we all want pics of an attractive woman like you on here, darryl

I have learned to wait a minute or two once it says "upload complete". I think there are still background processes running (adding the TN watermark?) and if you don't allow them to finish, the process is not complete and the photo gets deleted during some system process that night.

John aka cobeachbum

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RE:help needed please

It is the Mod, they seem to delete what they want- i recently uploaded photos and videos only to find out they were removed within minutes- all were from hiking nude, from a distance, no special focus on genitalia or so, nice naturist photos and videos yet taken down ..Even photos uploaded on my recently created group Sydney national park nude hiking, have disappeared! advice try changing the time you upload those, as it seems there is a mod at certain time who will delete most uploads...

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Photos following the TN photo rules and policies are being deleted for no reason. Who knows how many photo mods this site has. I was in communication with TT2. Previously, she was the one doing the photo moderating but has enlisted the help of others and she no longer visits the site that often. So now we have people using their own set of rules to decide who and what is allowed to be uploaded. I'm certain that I pissed someone off here that is a photo mod because almost all of the photos I upload are deleted and it doesn't matter when I upload them. They are uploaded, left uploaded for a day or two and when I return. They are gone when I check back and if not and I figure they are okay, I approve them to the group gallery and within minutes, they are gone.

If you're a photo mod, how about chiming in here and explain what is going on?

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You're exactly correct, oftentimes there is no clear nor consistent logic applied to photo approval. I do wish they would spend half as much time reviewing / deleting inappropriate & very inappropriate group comment posts. The site would be a lot better for it. And all those hard working ladies would leave for other pastures ... maybe.

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