Dealing with Ticks on Naked Hikes: A Personal Experience

Hi everyone,

I wanted to share some important information about ticks based on my own experiences, especially since we hike in the nude. Ticks are small and can be hard to spot, but they tend to latch onto areas like behind the knees, in the groin, and around the armpits.

During some of my naked hikes, I've encountered ticks, and they can be quite sneaky, althpugh you may feel them sometimes. They are attracted to body heat and will latch onto you from tall grasses or bush, same as leeches. Ticks can carry diseases such as Lyme disease, so vigilance is key.

Here are some tips from my experience:
- Inspect your body regularly:Without clothing, its easier to check for ticks. Regularly scan your body, especially after hiking through grassy or bushy areas. Again if you are hiking solo use your video camera and check yourself, if you have a hiking companion check each other. Depending on your skin they may be hard to detect.
- Use tick repellent:Apply tick repellent on your body and consider using natural options if you prefer. ( I do not use any, i found out if it s sunny and I wear suncream that is enough, but I guess ot s a personnal choice).
- Shower and check thoroughly: After your hike, a thorough shower can help wash away ticks, but make sure to do a detailed body check as well.
- Remove ticks carefully: If you find a tick, use fine-tipped tweezers to remove it gently without squeezing. Clean the area with antiseptic and monitor for any signs of illness.

Staying proactive will help us enjoy our naked hikes safely. If you have any other tips or experiences, feel free to share!

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RE:Dealing with Ticks on Naked Hikes: A Personal Experience

I received a direct message about a member worried so much about getting lyme disease from a tick bite that he prefer not to participate in a nude hike.
I personally use suncream, which seems to keep then away, but that is my personal experience, i do not know if there is any scientific evidence about it.
There are products you can use to keep them at bay, but with the chemical they are made of, I personally prefer to stay away from those.

The risk of being hit by a car while crossing the road in Australia is significantly higher and more well-documented than the risk of contracting Lyme disease from a tick bite while hiking nude in national parks. In fact, the latter risk is so low that it might not even be statistically significant compared to the former.

Stay nude, stay safe, have fun

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RE:Dealing with Ticks on Naked Hikes: A Personal Experience

I picked up a tick on the walk down to Werrong. I hadn't put any suntan lotion on yet. It was just on my leg. I think over the 40 years I have picked up two down there. Even a leech once, but that is very unusual.

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RE:Dealing with Ticks on Naked Hikes: A Personal Experience

Thanks for sharing your experience

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