I am sure they already have mate. It's only a matter of time. My point that I wanted to make was blaming gays who are out of sight from the public just doesn't sit well with me when heterosexuals are being totally indiscreet on the beach. Hopefully we won't lose Southside
- 7 years ago
Losing South-side? What is that about? Have not heard that is likely.
I'm not blaming any particular group, I don't agree with any people going into the dunes for sex. The CO beaches were not legalised for that.
- 7 years ago
The road into Pt Impossible was blocked last week, anyone know why? Is it a short term thing for road works or a longer term issue or the beach being under threat?
- 5 years ago
Hopefully it's open already. I am in Melbourne for 10 Days from next week and this is one of the very few places for naturist.
Any recommendations for nudist resort or stay.. And activities in or around Melbourne..
- 5 years ago
The road is open, was there last week. Just wondered if there was to be another nude Olympics there?
- 5 years ago