Surprising Neighbors...

My backyard is almost entirely fenced in and private, but one shared fence is "only" 6 feet high... I can sometimes see the tops of my neighbor's heads, but only if they are talking or doing something to draw my attention. I guess I assumed the reverse was also true, but I found out this week that they can see me when I am far across the opposite side of the yard. My neighbor mentioned to me that he thought I should "consider having that tree removed when the new owners move in over there (referring to the house on the other side of mine)...unless it gives you more privacy to be naked bac there." He said it very casually and without any apparent concern or judgement. I said, " Oh, I'm sorry if you've seen more than you wanted to." He kind of shrugged and said, "Ahh...just when you're way over there (by the tree, far side of the yard)" I'm honestly not sure if he was truly not concerned or if he was uncomfortable but not wanting to say so. Regardless, I'll be more careful in the future!

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RE:Surprising Neighbors...

My backyard is almost entirely fenced in and private, but one shared fence is "only" 6 feet high... I can sometimes see the tops of my neighbor's heads, but only if they are talking or doing something to draw my attention. I guess I assumed the reverse was also true, but I found out this week that they can see me when I am far across the opposite side of the yard. My neighbor mentioned to me that he thought I should "consider having that tree removed when the new owners move in over there (referring to the house on the other side of mine)...unless it gives you more privacy to be naked bac there." He said it very casually and without any apparent concern or judgement. I said, " Oh, I'm sorry if you've seen more than you wanted to." He kind of shrugged and said, "Ahh...just when you're way over there (by the tree, far side of the yard)" I'm honestly not sure if he was truly not concerned or if he was uncomfortable but not wanting to say so. Regardless, I'll be more careful in the future!

I had the opposite situation. I got a new neighbor on the side with just a 6' privacy fence. Since I knew that he could see over it from his deck I put a 2' wind screen on top. By the end of the summer it was in bad condition so I took it down. The neighbor saw me and asked why I had it. I told him that I would sun and swim nude and I knew he could see over the fence from his deck. He said that it wouldn't bother him if he saw me.

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RE:Surprising Neighbors...

I live in the Phoenix area where most of the yards are enclosed with 6' tall block walls. I knew all my neighbors and we all got along well, none of our houses overlooked anyone else. I was always nude in the yard. One day, I was skimming leaves from the pool when a dog ball landed in the grass next to me. I wasn't sure which way it came from until the guy behind me put his head above the wall and asked if I could throw the ball back to him. I said, "Sorry, I wasn't expecting anyone to see me without... " and he said, "Dude, let your freak flag fly. You do you in your yard, and I'll do me in mine." I tossed the ball back, and he never mentioned it again.

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RE:Surprising Neighbors...

At our old house there was only a 4 ft chain frence and a 1 car garage half blocking our yards i use to sneak out when they were not home and lay out in the back yard, I did that a year or two and got tired of seeking around so one day we were texting and I just said would you mind if taned nude in my backyard a few minutes went by and he said they were cool with it some how I think they had seen me but it was great after that they would yell over hi every time I was out . One of the worst things on moving. Was loosing my yard

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RE:Surprising Neighbors...

My backyard is almost entirely fenced in and private, but one shared fence is "only" 6 feet high... I can sometimes see the tops of my neighbour's heads, but only if they are talking or doing something to draw my attention. I guess I assumed the reverse was also true, but I found out this week that they can see me when I am far across the opposite side of the yard. My neighbour mentioned to me that he thought I should "consider having that tree removed when the new owners move in over there (referring to the house on the other side of mine)...unless it gives you more privacy to be naked bac there." He said it very casually and without any apparent concern or judgement. I said, " Oh, I'm sorry if you've seen more than you wanted to." He kind of shrugged and said, "Ahh...just when you're way over there (by the tree, far side of the yard)" I'm honestly not sure if he was truly not concerned or if he was uncomfortable but not wanting to say so. Regardless, I'll be more careful in the future!

Why do you want to be more cautious in the future if you are not sure whether your neighbour was really bothered by your nakedness? Clarify it with him again. Your description sounds as if the neighbour is not quite sure how to deal with your nakedness. Perhaps he is just unsure and in the end more open to it than you think.

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RE:Surprising Neighbors...

I live on a farm and the house has a huge front porch where I hang out, especially in the morning, with coffee, a cap, and thats about it. Shortly after I moved in a few years ago, I was caught by a man who wanted to purchase some fertilizer for his garden. I knew him , as he was a customer at a warehouse where I worked at the time. It was a summer morning, and I wore nothing but the cap, sandals, biker vest, and a cockring. Well, I was hosing down the porch, totally engrossed in the task (also somewhat stoned) when I heard a voice call out Hi! and there he was, a tall, handsome middle aged man who had been a merchant mariner for years.
I replied: Hi! and he hung out on the porch while I picked up the bag of compost from the barn. He seemed totally unfazed, and we chatted for a few minutes, then shook hands and he was on his way. Meanwhile, another neighbor stopped in just to get acquainted. Both guys were straight (or said they were), and both took my naked self in stride. In the state where I live, public nudity is legal. I dig around in the garden nude, and the UPS and Fed Ex guys are used to it by now. I admit if a female came by I might be tempted to throw on a pair of shorts, but that hasnt happened yet. I have a neighbor who comes by to smoke a joint and chat on the porch. He keeps his clothes on, but again, he doesnt care if I am in the buff.

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RE:Surprising Neighbors...

I lived in a house with a pool and a very private backyard. The fence and shrubbery on one side had a few places were you could peek into our yard if you really tried from the yard next door. I spent a lot of time nude in my yard. One day when in the house (and nude) the doorbell rang. I slipped on some shorts and answered the door. It was the lady who lived next door. She said, "can we talk?" I said ok. To make a long story short she said she saw me nude in my yard. To my surprise she asked me if she could join me since her yard was not private. I told her anytime, just come through the gate. Next day I was nude in the yard and she came through the gate, took her clothes off and joined me. That was the beginning of a lot of fun times together in my back yard!

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RE:Surprising Neighbors...

I live on a farm and the house has a huge front porch where I hang out, especially in the morning, with coffee, a cap, and thats about it. Shortly after I moved in a few years ago, I was caught by a man who wanted to purchase some fertilizer for his garden. I knew him , as he was a customer at a warehouse where I worked at the time. It was a summer morning, and I wore nothing but the cap, sandals, biker vest, and a cockring. Well, I was hosing down the porch, totally engrossed in the task (also somewhat stoned) when I heard a voice call out Hi! and there he was, a tall, handsome middle aged man who had been a merchant mariner for years.I replied: Hi! and he hung out on the porch while I picked up the bag of compost from the barn. He seemed totally unfazed, and we chatted for a few minutes, then shook hands and he was on his way. Meanwhile, another neighbor stopped in just to get acquainted. Both guys were straight (or said they were), and both took my naked self in stride. In the state where I live, public nudity is legal. I dig around in the garden nude, and the UPS and Fed Ex guys are used to it by now. I admit if a female came by I might be tempted to throw on a pair of shorts, but that hasnt happened yet. I have a neighbor who comes by to smoke a joint and chat on the porch. He keeps his clothes on, but again, he doesnt care if I am in the buff.

There is hardly a place to live naked that fascinates me more than a farm. I have no professional or personal connection to agriculture. I think it's wonderful to live and work naked in the vastness of a ranch. I would definitely be naked everywhere there 24/7.
I envy every farmer who can live like that.

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RE:Surprising Neighbors...

I have 7 acreas of mostly woods with no nieghbor close by. But i have suprised the mail lady when i was mowing the lawn nude a couple times.

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RE:Surprising Neighbors...

Decades ago , 1989, I moved to a rural home with woods to the south and west and a field reverting to woods to the north. I could see the home about 1/4 mile to the north from my backyard. I went nude in my backyard figuring at that distance the old couple who lived there would not see detail. One Sunday the old guy stopped by. I was inside and nude so I decided to test his reaction up close. He did a double take while handing me a piece of misdirected mail he had gotten of mine. He came back the next Weds , I think mainly to see if I would do it again. I did. He told me I could hike his land nude . He died a few years ago his grumpy son now owns the land I stay off it . The woods has filled in the field so no line of sight anymore

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