Viewing members profiles

Just curious, I don't log into the forum much thesedays, but when I have I've noticed that I get many repeated views of my profile by the same members! Now if a member had a problem with your outlook on naturism/nudism on this forum, I wonder then why the forum member repeatedly looks into my profile! Is this an automated system that ramdomly detects members and puts their profiles in your view list without their knowledge, or are the members genuinely looking into your profile? I can understand if its genuine, but one member who had a lengthy discussion on the forum with me about nudism didn't agree with my rights to the freedom of expression I'm aloud, so why then would that member keep looking in on me? Is it dangerous!

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RE:Viewing members profiles

It's funny but I know you're talking about me, I look for the simple reason that I want to know if you're already in jail or not. Get me arrested hahahahahah.

By the way, I am not the only one who had problems with your freedom of speech, appearing naked from some bushes in front of an unsuspecting woman, is not freedom of speech, it is harassment and exhibitionism, as the police are so kindly explaining to you.

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RE:Viewing members profiles

PS. These summer months I don't enter here much, but I'll keep checking if you are free or if they have finally put you in a cage for perverts.

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RE:Viewing members profiles

Your on a nudist forum, people live nude lifestyles in and around their properties, some are in public places, some people like myself have large field areas and woodlands around their property, which in my case is mostly away from the general public on the far side of a park. Although its a large woodland area, yes there is always the possibility that someone could see a naked person out in woodland areas, but that does not mean they are doing anything wrong! A woman on this forum a while back provided her own video of her country park area where she goes naked rambling, yes in the woodlands, so in your view I suppose she also is an exhibitionist? There are many other women I talk to on this forum who accept normal lifestyles, but your an odd one who is a member of a nudist forum and seems to have a problem with naked men!!

You might want to look into that before you comment further. Stalking takes many forms and your coming across as one.

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RE:Viewing members profiles

The problem is that this is not your situation, if you had done that the police would not bother you, don't play the victim, nobody who suddenly appears naked in front of lonely women is harmless, many people on the forum have already explained it to you and the police in your town too.

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RE:Viewing members profiles

PS. These summer months I don't enter here much, but I'll keep checking if you are free or if they have finally put you in a cage for perverts.

This really makes my day.

An old gammon telegraph reading troll pretending to be a young Spanish girl gets his kicks stalking an exhibitionist on a nudist (supposedly) website.

Happy days.

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RE:Viewing members profiles

PS. These summer months I don't enter here much, but I'll keep checking if you are free or if they have finally put you in a cage for perverts.This really makes my day.An old gammon telegraph reading troll pretending to be a young Spanish girl gets his kicks stalking an exhibitionist on a nudist (supposedly) website.Happy days.

Hahahaha the paranoid attack again, you are so funny. You are the partner of the perverted exhibiotinist?

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RE:Viewing members profiles

The problem is that this is not your situation, if you had done that the police would not bother you, don't play the victim, nobody who suddenly appears naked in front of lonely women is harmless, many people on the forum have already explained it to you and the police in your town too.

Your rambling now and making your own story up. Like another member said, your a troll. Go away and get a life.

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