Ease my pre procedure anxiety?

Anyone able to provide be some reassuring words of encouragement would be much appreciated plus anyone else whom experienced this as an adult and doesn't mind sharing their experiences give me a dm . Thanks bros

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RE:Ease my pre procedure anxiety?

Hi there. I was circumcised as a baby and had a second circumcision when I was 20 as I wanted the skin to be super-tight and to have my frenulum removed. There was no pain in the aftermath of the op at all. Just do what the doctor says.

Why are you getting circumcised? Make sure that you get the style you desire.

Peter x

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RE:Ease my pre procedure anxiety?

Ive done it as an adult. I dont know your reasins behind it, but I can tell you theres bo reason to worry. Since Ive dobe it, I have never regret it. Its little uncomfortable until it heals, but afterwards

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