I have never been much of a runner. I wish I had more opportunities to walk naked.
I am considering doing the 1 mile walk that is in conjunction with the 5k race at Sunny Rest in June.
I have enjoyed doing something similar at other (clothed) races. The finish times for both groups are similar.
Should be even more fun with everyone nude!
Those are extremes. Well Ill be about 50ish when my kiddos are all moved out. My wife and I enjoy going to visit venues, theatres and other outings that would for sure require clothes. I think for us it maybe more practical to find a more secluded piece of property to put a house on where I dont have to worry about others seeing us nude. Then when we want to visit a resort we can and when we want to visit a textile place we can.I personally enjoy shopping for my own groceries so I dont think I could pay someone all the time to buy my stuff for me.
The 50ish assumes that they will all move out in their 20's, We have a son who is still here at 42. I don't cover for him but do when his son is visiting us.