Fall garden vs Hurricane ... that's an easy one

I just posted another note about prepping for the potential hurricane visit and noted my fall veggies are just starting to get above ground. That's good except for our visitor from down south that's headed towards the Florida Panhandle. My late sweet potatoes and volunteer watermelons are doing very well, perhaps too well. The vines are all over the garden plot; if the storm gets bad here I wonder where the vines will end up? Certainly not in their nice pristine fenced garden square ... and certainly not in one piece. I knew it was too good to be true! The Seminole Pumpkin with those huge leaves will also be thrown about the yard ... all the budding squash will probably disappear too. My garden area has a fair amount of woods windbreak area so maybe if it stay a weak storm, it will be OK. It really doesn't matter as we'll press on anyway. Hope everyone else is storm free.

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RE:Fall garden vs Hurricane ... that's an easy one

Hope the storm left you and yours in good shape.

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