RE:Looking for naked Fathers and Sons

From my own experience as a young boy being naked with my grandfather, as well as raising a son, I know through personal experience how extremely positive it is for naked fathers and sons, and grandsons, and in my case, great-grandsons, to bond. Male identity, self-esteem, self-confidence, positivity and affirmation regarding male anatomy, are all such significant and beautiful results, flowing from naked dad/son bonding. And again in my experience, there is no age too young for this naked bonding to begin.

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RE:Looking for naked Fathers and Sons

A Session group has been set up to chat and share thoughts, ideas, and experiences about naked fathers and sons. If you are interested in getting further details, send me a pm. -Alan

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RE:Looking for naked Fathers and Sons

The popularity of threads like this really speaks to how important it is for boys to have dads and other male role models growing up that I think by and large we have neglected, letting kids just be with their friends while dads are off at work and not spending the time they need to be there mentoring and guiding and just building better relationships with them, helping them learn what they need in life.I love that there are so many other dads and other men here who recognize that and want to talk about it and encourage each other to be better about that.

I agree. I think, most Dads know, how important is the own meaning as role model and mentor. If kids dont have a Dad who can be a role model or mentor. Other Males should take then this agenda. For better relationship and accepting of own Body. I had the luck to have both, a Dad who introduce me and mentors which done this Job, after my Dad died when I was 8. I think at 12 they had completed the schooling. Now I'm a unashamed, openminded and passional Nudist.

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RE:Looking for naked Fathers and Sons

It was not till my sister went to collage that my dad went nude more often

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RE:Looking for naked Fathers and Sons

Raised two sons and a grandson in our single parent home. They are now grown living a nudist lifestyle. Looking to mentor fatherless men into the nudist lifestyle.

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RE:Looking for naked Fathers and Sons

Raised two sons and a grandson in our single parent home. They are now grown living a nudist lifestyle. Looking to mentor fatherless men into the nudist lifestyle.

Its the best kind of parenting a Boy can have: To grow up nude with Males only.

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RE:Looking for naked Fathers and Sons

I always wished to have that type of relationship with my dad. But grew up in a very conservative home. Never even got to see him in underwear

Not even in his underwear wow! I'm glad I was brought up in a more open home where nudity wasn't looked down on. Seeing my father naked or in his underwear wasn't anything unusual, same with my brothers.

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RE:Looking for naked Fathers and Sons

A few weeks ago, I posted a notice about starting a Dads and Sons chat group on Session. I'm happy to say that the group is now very active, with about 20 people in the group. If you are interested in learning more about it, please message me. Thanks, Alan

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RE:Looking for naked Fathers and Sons

Would love to part of the group

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RE:Looking for naked Fathers and Sons

I always wished to have that type of relationship with my dad. But grew up in a very conservative home. Never even got to see him in underwear

My dad and I were often nude at home. Great bonding experience. Guess I got lucky!

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