terms of site are for all not just some

i have noticed recently that a moderator from florida ,usa, treats members very rude ,he insults and threatens people, when i said so i was banned, why dont the site rules apply to moderators ? i have been observing this for a few weeks now many have left the chatroom and i think will not return ,that is sad for the website.
i would expect a moderator to promote the site owners rules in an informative and polite manner and treat people with respect , and if they continue to ignore the rules , deal with them but please there is no need to make fun of ,belittle people and threaten people ,that will only drive them away for good into the arms of elsewhere , i think would not be in the sites best interests and certainly is not promoting owners wishes.

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RE:terms of site are for all not just some

treat everyone with respect and you will be treated likewise

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