Im totally with you
Im often getting in wanted sexual advances
Being a gay male it is assumed that Im after sex .and ( sorry for the language) all wanting to penetrate me.
Unfortunately Ive had to spell it out in my tag and profile that Im a Side
Ok I suppose Im a bit of an exhibitionist and guiltily a bit of an voyeur but thats as far as I will go .
A lot of people aswell female as male still think nudeis equal to sex.
So I would call it education!
There are also a lot of different cultural and religion backgrounds that make nude feel like porn. Again this is education.
50years ago it was very normal for guys to be naked in groups, now it becomes a shame!
Every nudist will confirm you that a naked body has nothing sexual about it. It is what ones brain makes of it!
Then on the other end I also think that some of the admins here are really a bit to obsessed and even homofobic!
We men are men, and nature gives us about 11 boners a day and op and going morning boners without any reason . No guy can help that and there is no shame in that.
Just treat it mature...