Nude drive

I had tocome to Albuquerque, NM from San Antonio, TX this month. Drove all the way. Drove must the way nude to Albuquerque. A 730 mile drive. It was exciting and a little scarry too. But i loved it The roads were not to busy and when I passed an 18 wheeler I simply picked up a piece of paper that had my route on it and held it over one leg so that if the driver could see, all he/she would see was the map. Most could not see into my SUV. I plan on driving back to San Antonio nude too. It felt GREAT!

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RE: Nude drive

Drove back to San Antonio nude too. Did not use the paper to cover one leg. Did not care if anyone could see in. Next trip NUde drive all the way too.

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RE: Nude drive

Bravo. Encore.

We have INALIENABLE #ClothesFREE Liberty & a codified #1stAmendment Right to DiVest & OptOut of inane bodymask mandates & stand Our ground in defiance of ancient & modern codes & rulers that aim to shame & deamonize & criminalize #TheHumanBody.

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