A funny sex story
A true story that's probably too racy to post on the website news page. A few years back a couple stopped here at the Oasis 33, they had last been at that large swinger campground in Minnesota, I won't say the name, but I think you all know which place I'm talking about.
Anyways they were a really nice couple, she was almost 30 he was a bit older, both real hard bodies worked out all the time, it wouldn't surprise me if they had a side gig modeling.
They were recounting the events of a sunny afternoon at the swinger campground, they had been strutting around enjoying the Sun and the pleasant atmosphere, they decided to return to their tent for a little one-on-one action, while they were going at it missionary style, she started squirming and pounding on his back, he thought she was really getting into it. She wasn't, as it turns out from her angle looking upwards and through the screen window of the tent she could see a man standing over the window masturbating while he was watching them have sex.
The couple found the situation humorous with the benefit of hindsight, but during the situation she was more than a little freaked out. Both of them had been at some pretty hardcore places in LA I'm sure both of them had plenty of experience navigating pervs and sexual situations....
I always find it humorous the things that are commonplace in those places, but would be totally inappropriate if it had happened at a textile campground.
- 5 months ago
Thanks for the Post, Buck. Great story ! We had a similar event on the Nood Pontoon day cruise, when a couple Going at It on the beach, didnt hear us drifting in , and some passengers filmed it.. lol... R
- 5 months ago
Lol, she didnt have the Birds Eye view. But what would you call her view ? Lol
Surprised she was not complemented !
- 5 months ago
Ants perspective, or the turtle lying on its back... And yes, if you don't know that as a swinger and can enjoy it, you can't help it...
- 5 months ago
Thanks for the Post, Buck. Great story ! We had a similar event on the Nood Pontoon day cruise, when a couple Going at It on the beach, didnt hear us drifting in , and some passengers filmed it.. lol... R
That is funny! It's even funnier when you think that's the one angle they probably weren't watching and probably didn't expect to be approached by sea.
- 4 months ago
Lol, she didnt have the Birds Eye view. But what would you call her view ? LolSurprised she was not complemented !
I think she was only startled in the moment, afterwards she seemed to be balancing the humorous aspect with the creeper aspect. In the end she seemed to think it was more funny than strange.
- 4 months ago
Ants perspective, or the turtle lying on its back... And yes, if you don't know that as a swinger and can enjoy it, you can't help it...
A turtle is a good analogy, the psychological aspect of being below the phantom masturbator, while she's in the surrender position undoubtedly caused a rush of fright, her man is the muscular type, and he seemed capable she may have even felt some security in the primal aspect, maybe that's why she thought it was so funny afterwards.
- 4 months ago