To caption or not to caption, that is the question...

I normally like to caption the pics I post, it's a good mental exercise. Sometimes I try to sound smart in my captions, sometimes teasing, sometimes very naive...

That being said, I abandoned captioning pics in the TN ENL, they are systematically deleted by the mods within one hour or so. From the pics posted on TS ENL, about one third on average will stick - and will subsequently be deleted by myself when the view/likes ratio gets over 3 - but that's usually a few days, frequentation there is minimal.

Thing is, despite my best attempts, I still can't figure out which pics will stick and which ones will be deleted, the whole process seems quite random.

So not sure if it worth captioning them any longer, there seems to be little interest in the pics themselves and close to nil in their caption.

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RE:To caption or not to caption, that is the question...

I enjoy reading captions on pictures; it gives a little insight into the photo and the person posting. Many pictures are just too straightforward to really need any additional explanation but some benefit greatly from the words. So ... if the photo evokes a thought from you, please add it.

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RE:To caption or not to caption, that is the question...

Definitely like a caption. I always look for one and try to remember to add one for my occasional puctures. If viewing a photo, a caption may be enough to make me want to hit like, if otherwise the photo is a little so-so.

Another picture in a hot tub? A caption describing its first use is nice

In a random landscape? Location is always interesting.

A random picture in front of a door? Pointing out that it's open to the street is interesting context.

A carefully posed elegant photo? A caption revealing thoughts or a background story just add to the experience!

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RE:To caption or not to caption, that is the question...

Today, out of six pics posted on TN two remained (don't really know why, one is fully headless) and out of 6 on TS, only one (almost headless) pic remained. So yes, capturing looks like a waste of time except for viewers who beat the mod in speed.

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RE:To caption or not to caption, that is the question...

Captions are the added thoughts from the person.

Yes its always sad to hear that a picture was deleted. Hell even mine and that was just a picture I was proud of. Yes it was me and I am not a woman. Lol but I thought we were going to post some of the male members in the group.

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RE:To caption or not to caption, that is the question...

I know exactly what you mean Flora, it feels futile to caption when the pic is likely to be deleted, however, personally... i love your captions

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RE:To caption or not to caption, that is the question...

Captions are always nice - but if the muse doesnt strike - or time is tight , the photos speak for themselves. Do you think there would be more interest in the group if the photos stayed up longer? (Those darn mods! ) Jim, its been quite awhile since us makes were invited to post on ENL here(& never on the TS ENL I believe) perhaps its time again? But that of course is up to the lovely Jeanne and Flora to decide. Cheers to all.

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RE:To caption or not to caption, that is the question...

Captions are always nice - but if the muse doesnt strike - or time is tight , the photos speak for themselves. Do you think there would be more interest in the group if the photos stayed up longer? (Those darn mods! ) Jim, its been quite awhile since us makes were invited to post on ENL here(& never on the TS ENL I believe) perhaps its time again? But that of course is up to the lovely Jeanne and Flora to decide. Cheers to all.

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RE:To caption or not to caption, that is the question...

Captions are always nice - but if the muse doesnt strike - or time is tight , the photos speak for themselves. Do you think there would be more interest in the group if the photos stayed up longer? (Those darn mods! ) Jim, its been quite awhile since us makes were invited to post on ENL here(& never on the TS ENL I believe) perhaps its time again? But that of course is up to the lovely Jeanne and Flora to decide. Cheers to all.

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RE:To caption or not to caption, that is the question...

Captions are always nice - but if the muse doesnt strike - or time is tight , the photos speak for themselves. Do you think there would be more interest in the group if the photos stayed up longer? (Those darn mods! ) Jim, its been quite awhile since us makes were invited to post on ENL here(& never on the TS ENL I believe) perhaps its time again? But that of course is up to the lovely Jeanne and Flora to decide. Cheers to all.

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RE:To caption or not to caption, that is the question...

Captions are always nice - but if the muse doesnt strike - or time is tight , the photos speak for themselves. Do you think there would be more interest in the group if the photos stayed up longer? (Those darn mods! ) Jim, its been quite awhile since us makes were invited to post on ENL here(& never on the TS ENL I believe) perhaps its time again? But that of course is up to the lovely Jeanne and Flora to decide. Cheers to all.

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