RE : Intros

Hi everyone,

First of all thanks for having me in this group and creating this safe haven. I always find it a bit difficult to introduce myself but i'll give a try anyway. I am 34 years old - born and raised in Half Moon Bay California - just south of San Francisco - recently moved a bit more south and i am loving it. So my parents were hippies (in every sense of the word) and that is how i eventually ended up here - we used to run around naked all summer ;) Now i am not really a die hard nudist and i don't want to be naked all the time and everywhere - i do enjoy wearing clothes too ;) To me being naked is about being one with nature and enjoy a kind of freedom that i would never feel otherwise. I am not a very social nudist to be honest - and i do enjoy being naked around others too but most of the time i go swimming in the ocean here alone and really i never felt more free and connected with nature. I try to go for a swim like every morning preferable at sunrise - it is just magic and keeps me sane in this crazy world. Now i am not a hippie (guess that happens when your parents are hippies) it is how people called me - that hippie girl - you know living in a small town and well people talk a lot - guess that is why i finally moved out of there. Having recently moved, i don't have many friends here yet - so was hoping to get to know some more people with the same interests for chats and well just interesting conversation and who knows for some other activities if we really connect - i love hiking and really enjoy a good sauna - considering to have one installed at home - i just love old cars and driving them along the coast - highway one is like really epic ! I consider myself as openminded and willing to learn new things but i do have strong opinions and beliefs too - anyway that is about what i can think of right now but if you have any questions - just ask :) take care everyone xx

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