I have thoroughly enjoyed (almost) every job I have ever done from stuffing flyers into newspapers as a student to bartending to expediting to clerical work. If you hate your job every other aspect of your life suffers and I just can't imagine being that unhappy. Even if I didn't like the tasks I was doing I found a way to have fun with my co-workers and on the rare occasion when I just couldn't make it work - I found another job. I'm currently a clerical worker in a small police detachment and I love what I do. There is enough routine to satisfy my need for order in the universe but there is always some crisis or other popping up to keep things interesting and because it's a small office I do a bit of absolutely everything instead of having to specialize and stick with one task all of the time. I also have a lot of flexibility with my vacation time because I don't need to work around anyone else's schedule. If I'm vacation we simply close the office. Life is good!
I had given up because the general status was that everyone was either out of work or overworked because companies had let so many people go.
Now my opinion is that I'm overworked because the remaining workers are just lazy.
I was out of work for a year and ahalf ten years ago. So I can't understand why workers aren't busting their asses to make sure they're not fired. Instead, my co-workers come in late, when they do come in, leave early and spend time surfing the web and complaining about how much work they have (that they're not doing).
And what am I doing? My job is essentially to find and if possible correct the mistakes caused by my lazy coworkers.
I've been in the awkward of loving and hating it at the same time: I loved my work but hate the atmosphere I had to work in. I used to spend my days cataloguing Finnish books and researching Finnish art, history and culture. That, I loved.
Nothing like a job finished, Ha,ha, sorry I couln't resist that one.
Try harder :oD
I have loved my carreer for more than 30 odd years now. Maybe 40.
Oh, there have been days, but over all I wouldn't change a thing !
These days, there isn't enough work, so being a celebrity does help a bit, but there still isn't enough.
Of course, when you love it, there's never enough.
They say recession, I say depression.
Still, it's nice to have been able to basically play with a hobby and get paid for it for so long.