How To Organize a Carpool for nude beach or other day trips in this group

This is s set of guidelines intended to help organize carpools for
nude beach trips or day trips to other nude locations or events.
Carpools should only be organized by drivers with vehicles, stating how
many seats are available and how much of a contribution, if any is
required for gas and/or parking expenses., as well as time and place of
departure and intended length of stay. Each driver should post their own
vehicle separately, even if they have the same departure point and
2. It is advised that meeting/departure points should
be transit friendly sites such as (for Collins Beach/Sauvie island),
the Fred Meyers at Stateline and Lombard (along the Yellow MAX), or (for
Rooster Rock) the Gateway Transit Center, on the 99th Ave aide of Fred
Meyers at the Oregon Health Center crosswalk. Fred Meyers is suggested
as a place to meet in case anyone forgot sunscreen or water. However
ultimately Departure points are to be determined by the driver and at
their discretion.
3. Drivers should add to the posts (use reply ) when all available seats are taken.
When riders request a seat they should include a cell number if they
have one, so the driver can contact them if they are late. Riders who
do not make the departure time may be left behind. Don't just be
punctual be early!
5. Riders should be willing to contribute
towards gas and parking expenses when requested. If you cannot
contribute or do not agree with the amount requested, don't ask for a
seat. No quibbling.
6. Once a driver accepts a rider, they
should not "bump" them for someone else. If you do not like a person do
not accept them as a rider in the first place. If you have a friend
who is a "maybe" hold an open seat for them and if they can't make it,
use the waiting list (see below).
7. Whether or not to bring food
or to go out to eat should be decided ahead of time. If eating out say
where you plan to stop and about how much a person might expect to
8. If a car pool is full the driver can start a waiting
list, in case anyone drops out, or a friend for whom they held a seat
could not make it after all. If you have to cancel, call the driver by
voice phone. Texting and email should not be considered reliable or
timely ways for a rider to communicate a cancelation.
9. Persons
who did not give proper notice of cancelation or who did not show up for
a carpool, at a driver's discretion, may not be given a seat in future
carpools. Drivers may compare notes and keep a "flake" list. Drivers
may desire to only have such persons have waiting list status. It is at
the driver's discretion as to how to handle such persons.
Date of Carpool, followed by the word "Carpool" followed by the destination.
Time, Departure/meeting point (hopefully transit friendly),
destination, Contribution for gas/parking (if any), Intended length of
Bring food, or where you intend to eat, expected costs and it is on the way or on the way back?
If going to a landed club or to a special event, what is the grounds fee or entrance fee?

This set of guidelines is a work in progress. It may be changed updated and/or reposted.
If you have a problem that arises by following these guidelines, please
post the problem(s) and suggestions to avoid them in the future as a
reply to the carpool guidelines post.

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