Howell Park, Seattle

Quite a crowd yesterday. Gail counted 52. Anybody on this list hang out there?

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RE: Howell Park, Seattle

I live Olympia and I have never heard of the park. But then I don't go toward Seattle much. Where is the park located?

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RE: Howell Park, Seattle

1740 E. Howell PL. It is NOT legal, but generally ignored. Gail and I have been there several times in the last 2 years. Oddly enough, it is almost directly across the street from where Kurt Cobain did himself in.
Has the Columbia dropped enough for Rooster Rock to have a real beach?
Seattle would be a much closer drive for you, tho an ugly one.
The park is pretty small( a street-end park on Lake Washington) No services at all.

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RE: Howell Park, Seattle

I was just down to Rooster Rock on my way home from Texas. Went to hippie hollow outside of Austin. The water was very high and when you came down the trail by the bathrooms you had to stay next to the cliff. There was only a very few spots where a couple could lay down. One guy fell in the water because the path was only about three feet wide in spots and smaller in others. I heard Savies Island the water is up there also. Of course both are on the Columbia River. I hope to go back down in a couple of weeks and hope the water has receeded.

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RE: Howell Park, Seattle

Warm and naked in the park right now. Just a few fellow nudists here. Next week should be even better!

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RE: Howell Park, Seattle

I managed to make it to the park three times this week. All three times it was a good group of nudists. It is still early in the season so it is delightfully un-crowded. I hope I can get a chance to go next week too when the sun shines.

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