Smallest at the beach
Today I went to a nude beach in Melbourne, Victoria.
I was easily the guy with the smallest one on the beach, I walked past a young lady mid 20s got a smile followed by a giggle and I knew what she was giggling at . This did not bother me at all as I like the attention, the only time I was petrified about my size was in High school shower time after sport.
Any other guys experienced this and how did it feel, humiliated or enjoyed the attention ?
I'm 6'3 and about one inch when soft so often find people staring at the beach. Sometimes when I catch people obviously staring I say hello and that often leads to fun conversations. I love it when people are brave enough to comment on my size.
In reality, those that giggle or make fun of cock size usually don't know much about the male equipment. I have a friend, all you see when he is soft is his piss slit poking out from the side of his very loose scrotum. Yet when he is goes straight out and then up to a whopping thick & 14 inches long. Mine is 3 soft and just over 5 inches when hard. So soft size is not a true indication of hard size. As I once told a friend, smile at them and keep them guessing.
In reality, those that giggle or make fun of cock size usually don't know much about the male equipment. I have a friend, all you see when he is soft is his piss slit poking out from the side of his very loose scrotum. Yet when he is goes straight out and then up to a whopping thick & 14 inches long. Mine is 3 soft and just over 5 inches when hard. So soft size is not a true indication of hard size. As I once told a friend, smile at them and keep them guessing.
Totally agree, the size you are soft has nothing to do with how 'big' you are when hard. BTW, those that base their sexual life on the size of their soft or hard cock are not looking at the overall aspect of a man, speaks to their own look at themselves.
In reality, those that giggle or make fun of cock size usually don't know much about the male equipment. I have a friend, all you see when he is soft is his piss slit poking out from the side of his very loose scrotum. Yet when he is goes straight out and then up to a whopping thick & 14 inches long. Mine is 3 soft and just over 5 inches when hard. So soft size is not a true indication of hard size. As I once told a friend, smile at them and keep them guessing.
It has been my experience that most men understand this principle. However, due to porn movies and magazines, there are still many women who do not comprehend that what appears to be small flaccid doesn't not indicate at all what will be small erect. In my interactions with nudists women, most of them notice and wonder what it would be like erect although they may not be lusting after it.
I go to nudist beaches quite often and also to a nudist hotel. I can safely state that I am the guy with the smallest penis 99% of the time. I used to be embarrassed but no longer and now I am completely comfortable being nude in a social situation with men and women either at home or beach or the hotel.