Building Resilience
I have been building resilience for about 6 months now to running naked. I ran most of the summer nude and but honestly havent ran fully clothed since doing my first naked 5k. As the cold was approaching I knew I had to train for the spring 5k in a way that it maybe cold even in April. So I have decided that I will start my run with just a hoodie on. Run for a mile until I warm up and then see how long I can endure the cold. Yesterday I did this and after a mile I stripped my hoodie off and finished my run completely nude. It was a total of 4.5 miles with a 5k naked in 44 degree chill with 20mph winds. It was brisk but I did it.
I have been building resilience for about 6 months now to running naked. I ran most of the summer nude and but honestly havent ran fully clothed since doing my first naked 5k. As the cold was approaching I knew I had to train for the spring 5k in a way that it maybe cold even in April. So I have decided that I will start my run with just a hoodie on. Run for a mile until I warm up and then see how long I can endure the cold. Yesterday I did this and after a mile I stripped my hoodie off and finished my run completely nude. It was a total of 4.5 miles with a 5k naked in 44 degree chill with 20mph winds. It was brisk but I did it.
Good for you. Wouldn't work for me because my crotch and rear are more sensitive to cold than my arms, chest or shoulders.
Curious where you were able to run that long nude? Would really like to be a spectator there lol.
Lol a spectator would be funny. Its some local trails near where I live. Its secluded enough to get some good nude runs in but also still public so I carry shorts with me bc I will pass someone like once a month. I run early so no real threat of people on the trails.
Weather has been crummy the past two weeks but finally had decent weather to hit the trails. I had a hoodie on and didnt see another person on the trail with dogs. As I got closer the dogs freaked out and I stood there completely bottomless with just my hoodie on as the owner pulled the dogs back. lol it was pretty funny but I dont know how much of me he actually saw. Either we he just said sorry and kept going. Funny encounter. lol
Mostly out of sight. I got off the main road for sure because there has been a lot of traffic lately. But I still ran early enough to were no one would really be out at that time. It was a sunrise though so got a sunrise nude run in but ended up putting my shorts back on as I got more insight of others.
Mostly out of sight. I got off the main road for sure because there has been a lot of traffic lately. But I still ran early enough to were no one would really be out at that time. It was a sunrise though so got a sunrise nude run in but ended up putting my shorts back on as I got more insight of others.Adam
So you weren't on your in-laws property when you did this?