I'm a nudist been one forever

I see these profiles pop up all where the person name is nudy ________ and states they have been a nudist forever but are dressed or a blank profile. I really like the idea of everyone certified and not sure if a ID should be required but two pictures one clothed and one nude hold a sign with your profile name and date like the old days

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RE:I'm a nudist been one forever

I could live with that, but every group having the same message "Hi! I'm xxxx, and would love you to contact me on PlatformYYYY" makes me thing it's time to do something else than peruse TN.

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RE:I'm a nudist been one forever

exactly , if they don't send a friend request they pop up in groups wanting you to visit they're site.

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RE:I'm a nudist been one forever

Haven't been a nudist forever, I didn't start till I was 14. Though I dabbled in being naked with friends at an earlier age, 8-9, I didn't commit to being naked whenever I could until I was 14. I was lucky enough to find a girlfriend/wife that was a willing participant and quickly referred to herself as a nudist. We will die nudists and are not ashamed to tell people, we think can handle the info.

This site is overrun by fakes. It puts way too much emphasis on allowing just anyone to join. It's become about money and less about nudism, real nudism. Moderators don't or won't follow the simple rules of the site when it comes to one of their friends here. Rules for them don't exist and unwritten rules are enforced for others.

This site is slowly dying, and it will continue. The TT's have left the building, and I don't see them coming around anymore. Countless messages to them to try and make things right and they can't be bothered. You'll see, this site will be sold in the near future and all that matters to them is that the numbers are high to show the new buyers that there is revenue potential but nothing about true nudism.

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