
For those of you who have a garage, do you get in the car nude and drive out and return home and drive in?
Seems like it would be easier than undressing and dressing in the car.
If we ever get enough other stuff out of the garage to get the car in, I intend to try it.

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No Garage here, but just built a carport.
They make these great storage units that fit above the cars hood. Might be a help ! But remember that the heat from the engines will rise up in that spot so no candles in the boxes. Lol

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If I don't walk to the car naked I usually dress and undress alongside the car by the roadside or in a carpark.

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If I am not haked when I walk to the car then I usually undress or dress by the side of the car - either on the roadside or in the car park.

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If I am not haked when I walk to the car then I usually undress or dress by the side of the car - either on the roadside or in the car park.

You have the advantage of living in the UK, where unlike most US states, nudity is generally legal in public.

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I have had a garage to park in for several years, and I have left and returned being completely nude when I got into and out of the car.

One thing I have not done is leave completely nude without any clothes in the car. I want to but thats a level of bravery I have not reached!

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I regularly do - my carport is well screened from the neighbours and the road, so if I'm heading off to my local resort, then I'll be nude getting in the car with a pair of shorts on the passenger seat in case of a roadside emergency and nude all the way for the day til I get back home

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I have had a garage to park in for several years, and I have left and returned being completely nude when I got into and out of the car.One thing I have not done is leave completely nude without any clothes in the car. I want to but thats a level of bravery I have not reached!
Have you ever left with just a long shirt and no shorts?

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I quite often walk to the car in the front drive naked, without any clothes, it all adds to the thrill, and go for a naked walk

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I have a garage that's not attached, and can make it to/from the car via a nude-friendly breezeway. Unfortunately, I'll probably never leave the garage nude in my car because the house is next door is just a few feet from my driveway. The neighbor looks out her window a lot (this I know because of the questions I get about my activities). So it's just not something I'll get to enjoy.

I gotten to my car nude when visiting a nudist friend for a long naked drive, that's really nice.

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I love to drive nude home and get out in my garage if its dark I walk into my house nude too. Something about the free feeling I cant explain

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