How do NUDIST Diabetics handle different types of situations?

Hi. My call name is Ineedcompanion25, but you may call me Ken. I am a Type 2 Diabetic. Diagnosed in February of 2001. And I do take insulin. About a year-and-a-half ago, I received my first insulin pump: the Tandem T-Slim X2 with the tandem usage of the Dexcom G6 or G7 glucometer built right in. That puppy is nice too. (If you have to use an insulin pump.) MY problem is this. I have to wear the Tandem T-Slim all hours of the day or night. For now, I have to wear a pair of underwear at night to bed when I used to sleep in the NUDE. Sad. What I'm thinking of doing (and I've been looking around but haven't found anything yet) is looking for a thin women's belt to wear around my waist (thin and narrow enough for me to clip my insulin pump on it) so that I can start sleeping NAKED again. What are anybody's thoughts on this? Are there any other ideas? How does anyone feel about this? I'd like to know. Ken Huntoon.

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