Harsh Punishment?
If you follow information & experiences of cruise-ship passengers, you may have read about a former stateroom steward who was convicted recently of installing hidden cameras in staterooms of one of the very large cruise liners. Clearly, what he did was wrong, unlawful, and immoral, BUT the poor guy (from the Far East) has been given a 30 year jail sentence - surely way, way, over the top. Most get considerably less for homicide.
So what harm has been caused to the passengers who have brought this situation about? Apart from injured pride and invasion of privacy. Not knowing the facts, one can only speculate. Maybe the camera filmed them naked - tits, cocks, pussies, arses - maybe even consensual illicit sex acts (shock, horror).
Does this really justify jailing this guy for 30 years?? What a crazy world of prudes we live in.
Post your views please.
SMH this is the kind of distorted thinking that makes the general public believe nudists are just a bunch of perverts. If floating the idea that there was no harm done is some kind of way to justify such behavior that is the real disgrace. The penalty is based on the laws of that country. Like it or not. But suggesting the behavior is no big deal suggests something more insidious.
It sounds like you would be ok with you child or spouse being captured on video in any manner of dress in private or in a private acts and having that video be used for someone preserve pleasure or uploaded to for online viewing. What is wrong with that picture? I dont believe any genuine nudist would feel comfortable with that.
From the legal side, in the US we still execute people for crimes that other western countries do not. Most people in the US say that is what the US laws allow for so no one should be saying otherwise. People find camera in Air BnB in the US all the time and similarly the perpetrators are usually jailed.
I find the OP perspective truly disturbing and another example of the corruption of nudism as a wholesome safe practice.
The laws of that country are what the people of that country have agreed. Why should anyone be subject to having their privacy interferred with. When the footage of the details are recorded, what would such a person do with that footage?
I had a case of indecent exposure that I talked about on this forum some time back, and I believe because I had evidence against the police at the time and the way I presented it, the moderators of this forum removed my thread. The police were warned off and now I'm left alone, but...
The neighbours who directed their cameras into my private land also past that footage around the local community, where either some or one of the members of the public tried editing the footage and then presenting it to the police.
No defence possible in such cases in the UK because although its legal to be naked anywhere, the solicitors are like the police, they look for crime and punishment. My experience knowing this had to set about defending myself, which was not easy, but I won in the end. The video/camera evidence cannot be used in a court of law within the UK from a member of the public. The shear power of editing software thesedays can make anyone believe that what their eyes are seeing is true?
The saying the camera never lies is one of the biggest lies ever told regarding technology.
Just recently I was on facebook and the police are all over it at the moment. There is a police officer on their with his camera van explaining how the police are using those vans and cameras to make money. If you look closely enough at the footage, his mouth movement is not quite in sink with his voice, but it is his voice I've heard him many times before in his patrol car.
In the time we live, believing in what the eyes see through technology should not be taken seriously.