Nude at a monument or tourist site
Some what inspired by Jess the Nude Blogger, making my trip along Australia's New England Highway yesterday I had dressed with the notion of driving nude for many kilometres. Due to some factors, such as needing fuel and coffee, it took some time to settle in and get nude in the car.
But after I had been able to strip off I started to get tired and restless, and need some fresh air and to walk around. I looked for opportunities to pull over and di that. None were free of other travellers or were simply too visible to the highway....and then I arrived at Thunderbolts Rock.
Captain thunderbolt had been an Australian bush ranger who robbed the wealthy travellers in the 1800's. He hid at this rock and watched for the stage coaches. The place is actually really denigrated and nobody up keeps it.
So I stopped here and waited to see if anybody else stopped...nobody I explored....nude of course.
While this is hardly comparable to Jess' nude visits at the Golden Guitar and the Big Banana it did make for a sense of wondering how many people in here have had a nude experience at a monument or tourist place of interest, whether that place be maintained or derelict?
Never as a lone act but as part of the Philadelphia Naked Bike Ride last summer was nude with ~1000 others biking past a number of attractions in historic Philadelphia.
Apparently, it is one of the two best attended ones and it goes through many areas with dining, shopping and tourist attractions.
What could be a better way to celebrate freedom from clothes than riding past Independence Hall nude?