Web site ScamAware: Combat romance scams and email fraud
Thank you very much for sharing. We all should examine this an review their tactics critically and review other sites critically, giving analysis of the tactics for avoiding becoming victims of romance scams.
Thank you, and I will try to incorporate all of the good parts of the website into my tactics for scam aversion on this site. Everyone should think critically about most of what happens in life.
Have a good day.
People need to read ScamAware and other websites in English online for good awareness of how to avoid scams.
That is a good website.
Other websites in English should be suggested by other users and compared.
In the United States, it usually is the government regulators, such as the Federal Trade Commission, that warn people about scams.
For FTC crime reporting, search on google the entry " FTC dot gov " exact search term in "Google" "Web Search." the web link to find is at:
report all international and global and long-distance and telephone and internet scams and online trade-related "Federal Crimes" there.
If you are a criminal or an assailant or the accomplices to assailants and criminals, report yourself to the FTC here at the peril of you going to federal prisons for federal crimes inside the United States if you are in nations with "Extradition Treaty Relationships" with the USA.
Never argue with the American government!
FTC on Wikipedia:
Department of Justice, United States of America, on Wikipedia:
List of United States Extradtion Treaties:
Extradition Law in the United States on Wikipedia:
List of Indian extradition treaties, Wikipedia article:
As I have said elsewhere, the owners and designers of the website need to design the site better to prevent harm on this website. Some parts of the website still have potential. It is up to us to keep users safe in the meantime until the owners take responsibility for their actions of owning this site and neglecting several responsibilities to prevent abuses by the site's less authentic users.
I wish everyone a well life, we all need it to achieve the good variety of the ideal.