Holiday house guests

Okay hands-up those who have or had a holiday house guest recently? My hand is up and will stay up for a couple of months...

I had to travel interstate for the first week of the new year to get a tonne of stuff at the home of my ageing parents. On my return home I found that our youngest (and only offspring) had decided that a 'good friend' of theirs needed support in this ongoing housing crisis.

So this wasn't a 'oh come and be with us for the holidays' kind of thing, but all the same it's a holiday house guest as it's still summer holidays here in the wonderful land of Oz.

I have been asked not to shock our house guest with nudism, by either demonstration or discussion....

But thankfully being a millennial they don't seem to surface each day until nearly half of it is a lovely nude swim and some gardening this morning has allowed my soul to start to breath and find its usual rhythm!

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