Stop calling us "mutilated"

I understand that circumcision is in most cases an elective surgery that is not decided upon by the patient. But please don't call us "mutilated." My penis works just as well as yours. I find it more appealing when a guy is circumcised but I don't discriminate. And I certainly don't insult people who had parents who made decisions when we were babies. We are not mutilated; we just had an elective surgery without our consent. I would have had it done as an adult if I hadn't as a baby so I'm glad my parents decided to have the surgery at a time that I wouldn't remember it. Yes, I didn't have a choice in the matter, but I would have wanted it eventually anyway.

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RE:Stop calling us "mutilated"

I totally agree with you Zips. I was circumcised when I was a baby and as far as I'm concerned my parents made the right choice! I'm not mutilated by any degree! It's a term I think that's way over the top and readily spewed out by the self righteous, but I've got broad shoulders and brush it off. I understand that some men that were circumcised when they were babies have big issues about it, but that's not all men! I certainly don't and am glad I'm circumcised. I've had many conversations with those who say we were mutilated without consent on various social media platforms. Most of the time my point of view falls on deaf ears and get told it's because I know nothing else or I have a circumcision fetish which is absolute horse sh!t! I'm just glad that I'm circumcised and giving my personal opinion. I have no issue with uncircumcised men and don't judge anyone for their own personal opinions, but it's unfair I'm judged on mine and labelled with terms like "mutilated" etc. Unfortunately I can't see that changing and as I say I have broad shoulders and brush it off. So yes I was circumcised as a baby without my consent and I wouldn't change anything about that because I love being circumcised but I certainly wasn't mutilated ffs!! If certain people want to say I'm mutilated then let them get on with it as it won't make any difference to me!!

All the best

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RE:Stop calling us "mutilated"

Well said! I agree. Was circumcised at age 60 and love it.

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