Uncut? Of Course.

I can say, " I've been uncut since I was born."
I can ask, How could I know if it's better?"
I can't imagine not having my foreskin.

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RE:Uncut? Of Course.

Well said.

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RE:Uncut? Of Course.

I'm cut since birth. They spared my ears which you could also say serve no purpose. I don't blame my parents because they wanted me to blend in the locker rooms full of Puritanical mutilated manhood here in the Midwestern USA, but I do regret it. Regardless we can all rock out with our cocks out.

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RE:Uncut? Of Course.

Personally, I love penises of all sizes, shapes, ages, and colors... But I am partial to uncut. I am uncut myself and have always been thankful for that.

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RE:Uncut? Of Course.

I was cut as a baby like others so had no choice. I love seeing a penis with a foreskin I believe being cut means the penis is less sensitive. Apparently it is supposed to be cleaner bring cut but Im sure having a fire skin is much nicer.

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RE:Uncut? Of Course.

i was circumcised at birth too so never knew anything different. what i have found interesting is that several French guys have told me that they find it exciting that my glans is always exposed. to them it is a sign of sexual interest but of course it's all i've ever known. i didnt even see a foreskin until i was 17.

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RE:Uncut? Of Course.

Clean comes from washing... Not from surgery. Being circumcised does not make you cleaner.

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RE:Uncut? Of Course.

I understand the cleaning bit it was my mothers theory not mine ide love to have my foreskin back probably why I love feeling others

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RE:Uncut? Of Course.

Circumcision is either done for religious reasons (Arabs, Jews) or to make masturbation more difficult (USA).

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RE:Uncut? Of Course.

I also enjoy all shapes, sizes, trimmed, shaved, and furry. I do love to see good uncut ones, but have to say I also love most cut ones. Ok, I havent found many I dont like the look of. Lol

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RE:Uncut? Of Course.

Circumcision is either done for religious reasons (Arabs, Jews) or to make masturbation more difficult (USA).

I have been cut since birth and I think that dicks, both cut and uncut, are inxredible and beautiful. I have seen and touched both but I have a "hard" time understanding how a cut dick makes masturbation more difficult. I would think it would be the opposite. I would love for you to elaborate further how this would be so, and how jerking an uncut dick would be easier. You have respectfully piqued my curiosity.

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