Sleeping nude.
Growing up in a small five room bungalow, privacy was at a premium. The only place for privacy was in the bathroom. There was five of us living there. Two parents and three kids. We had to share bedrooms. The house was what is called a shotgun house. Rooms in a straight line with no doors, except of course the bathroom. There was a tiny room off the kitchen that my sister slept in. It had a curtain hanging for a door. It wasn't until she moved out that I got to sleep back there. My two siblings were older and already gone. I was about 16 or 17, still in high school when I got to move to the room. I started sleeping nude then and have so ever since. I don't like to sleep with clothes on. No PJ's or underwear. Nothing completely nude. After I got older, I read that it is healthier to sleep nude. Something about body regulating heat. Sounds good to me. I just enjoy sleeping naked.