Gunnison on Sunday the 31st

A few of us are going to Gunnison tomorrow from Philly area. We'd like to meet more people especially from this site. If anyone else is going, please say hi.

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RE: Gunnison on Sunday the 31st

Just to let you know it's august 1st....there is no 31 days in july.

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RE: Gunnison on Sunday the 31st

Just to let you know it's august 1st....there is no 31 days in july.
You need to look at a calendar

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RE: Gunnison on Tuesday the 2nd

Hooray, I finally did it! I went to Gunnison Beach today! Perfect beach day! Nice Breeze, cool water to swim in, lots of sun to tan, met a couple of really friendly people. Wow, First time I've been nude in public in mixed company and everything and everyone was cool. No worries I could just be myself and enjoy...... Best beach day EVER!!!!! I'm now a Gunnison fan for life....why the hell did I wait so long?
Sorry Mr. Moderator, I didn't get a pic, no camera and no one to get my obligatory 'sign shot' with the phone cam? Can I stay anyway, at least until nex time?

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RE: Gunnison on Sunday the 31st

Sorry, you are right.....

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